Is it too soon to say this is a fashion apocalypse? Retail businesses are in much distress over the declination of sales and having to close their stores. At this point, the only remaining question is what will happen to fashion when this pandemic is over? The answer is simply, advancement.
Designers are creatives, innovators, and front line forces of fashion. Maybe, once this pandemic is over, designers can create something that is authentic and new. Most of the time, we see designers make collections that pay homage to pieces that were created years ago. Now, it is time to create something unique and new for a change.
BoF (Business of Fashion) uploaded a post discussing if fashion magazines will manage to stay relevant during this halt on businesses. The fashion industry altogether is in a great panic from its financial standpoint to the media aspect of it. No one actually knows what will happen after all of this chaos blows over. The best thing to do now is to create and prepare for the ultimate worst.
Fashion never sleeps and along with challenges comes creativity. The cries for help are endless but as government officials say "help is on the way"!