Find clothes easier and connect with fashion enthusiasts through this app!
Hey guys! So recently, I've been searching the app market to find fashion social apps where you can connect with other fashion influencers and also share your own sense of style. A cool app that I stumbled upon is called 21 Buttons and this app is so worth it!
Honestly, this app is a store and fashion community all in one. Soon as you sign up and become a member you will be introduced to a variety of fashion influencers or fashion enthusiasts that post daily pictures of their #ootd. In their pictures, there are little circles (which is what they call "buttons") on their outfits and when you click on the button, it will show you where you can purchase that specific item from.
You can even post your own fashionable pictures and tag the place where you purchased the item from. In a way, it has an Instagram platform in the way its designed but just discovering and connecting with people in the fashion community and even in the actual industry. There are also public figures that I have seen on there for example, Karin Jinsui, who is a social media influencer!
I just wanted to introduce this app to those who aren't aware of it like I wasn't. I believe this app was designed so that people can discover their style and connect with actual fashion influencers in the industry. So, go download the app. I just created a profile so you guys can follow me @jvoab !