"Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self- respect, values, morals and self worth" -anonymous
Knowing when to let go is one of the greatest skill a person can have. Often times you can create unwanted stress in your life when you do not know when to throw the towel in. Learning to walk away can be challenging, but can also be the very thing that keeps you sane.
Quitters never win! Yes, that statement is very true, however quitting and knowing when it is time to end a chapter in your life is two completely different things. What ever you do in life, you should always do it to the best of you ability, and push through when time are hard, that builds character and perseverance. With that being said, if something in your life is no longer bringing you value or serving you justice, you have to let the dead weight go.
"Knowing when to walk away is wisdom. Being able to is courage. Walking away with your head held high is dignity".