“What we are waiting for is not as important as what happens to us while we are waiting. Trust the process.” -Mandy Hale
The sleepless nights, the tears, the trails, and the tribulations are all necessary. There is a reason why you are going through what you are going through. Often times, the struggle you are going through now is the wisdom you will need down the road.
Meanwhile while you are on this journey, be mindful of your thoughts because your thoughts become your words, and words are powerful. Yes, the journey can be difficult but perspective is key. Rather then complain about the things going wrong, be thankful for the things that are going right. Say what you are thankful for out loud, and affirm them to yourself everyday. This will help you create a the habit of changing your perspective and seeing the glass half full. Most importantly, give yourself grace. Although meeting goals and achievements are equally important and great, don’t beat yourself up when you “miss the mark”. Taking accountability is necessary however, making yourself feel like a failure is not a healthy solution.
The lesson to be learned here is that everyday will not be perfect, but if you choose to put in the work and trust the process, you will see the fruit of it all in the end.
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